Mastering the Rule of Thirds in Photography: Techniques and Tips

Rule of Thirds in Photography

The rule of thirds is one of the most fundamental rules of photography. It’s also one that many photographers, even experienced ones, don’t fully understand. That’s because many people think that using the rule means dividing your image into three equal parts horizontally and vertically (as in the diagram below). In reality, it means dividing it into nine equal parts by creating four equal horizontal rows and four vertical columns—resulting in an interlocking grid.

What is the Rule of Thirds?

The rule of thirds is a guideline for placing subjects within an image frame. It is used to achieve more impact and visual interest, while giving your viewers a pleasing experience.

The rule of thirds divides the frame into nine equal parts, like a tic-tac-toe grid; the intersection points are called “thirds.” To apply this technique effectively, imagine that your image is divided into three rows and three columns like so.

Rule of Thirds in Photography
Image: Google

How to Use the Rule of Thirds in Photography

To use the rule of thirds, you first need to divide your image into nine equal rectangles by drawing two vertical lines and two horizontal lines. The most important elements in your picture should be placed along one of these lines or at one of the four points where they intersect.

The reason why this works is because our eyes naturally follow these imaginary lines when looking at something new, so placing an object there will draw attention to it immediately.

How to Manually Create a Grid

The first step to mastering the rule of thirds is to understand how it works.

The next step is to learn how to manually create a grid on your camera or phone. This will allow you to compose each shot according to the rule, and then apply it consistently in all of your work.

To do this in-camera:

  • Set up your shot as usual.
  • Press halfway down on your shutter button (this will lock focus), then take off with one hand while keeping pressure on the button with the other hand until everything looks good before releasing fully so that it takes a picture!

How to Make Use of the Rule of Thirds on Your Camera

To make sure you’re using the rule of thirds in your photography, here are some tips:

  • Focus on the subject. Make sure that your subject isn’t centered in the frame and that there’s space around it.
  • Make sure your camera isn’t too close to either edge of the frame.

This will help ensure that whatever you’re photographing has room to breathe within its surroundings–a critical factor when using this compositional technique!


With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to master the Rule of Thirds in no time. You can also use the rule to create a more dynamic photo, which will make your subject stand out even more.